We are Hardcore (1 life) toons that completed the challenge and made it to 60, and decided that wasn't enough. After defeating Ragnaros in Season of Mastery, many players wanted to continue pushing the limits to see what is achievable.On Era, we are 10/15 Naxx, 8/9 AQ40, 8/8 BWL, 10/10 MC, 1/1 Ony, 9/13 ZG (no EoM), 6/6 AQ20, and 5/6 World Bosses
Our current goals are to kill Kel'Thuzad. We run split runs of ZG, AQ20, and Ony as well as weekly MC/BWL/AQ40 raids to gear up our raid team so we can comfortably begin work in the next tier of instances with minimal casualties.
All toons are required to follow the Hardcore ruleset (1 life, no AH, no mailbox, etc.) both on the way to 60, and at 60.
Think you got what it takes to be a member of HC Elite? Check out the rules in the Classic HC discord posted below, and get your journey started today!
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