Incompentece is a friendly guild looking to clear all pve content on SoD. Many of our players are old veterans or new players looking to explore and discover new content in the world. We have 3 10man groups running currently and are looking to expand. our goal is to get group of like minded individuals to clear all 40 man raids in SoD. We also have a place for tryhard players. one of our raid groups is dedicated to doing optimal runs and reaching meters on warcraft logs.
We are raiding on first day of reset on level up raids.18:30 ST Invites to groups. 19:00 ST starting pulls and inviting online replacements for people who did not show up.
Crusader Strike - EU Discord server. PM Kanokas
Incompentece 길드는 현재 인원 모집 중입니다!
레이드, 던전, PvP, 소셜
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