Lethal is a semi-hardcore guild that has been around since phase 1 and is made up of an eclectic mix or players whose experience spans multiple classic iterations, as well as private servers.
Our goal is to clear all raid content, including the most challenging, with a schedule that is manageable for the vast majority of players. Our ethos is to foster a guild environment that is both friendly and fun, while ensuring raiders are held to a high standard as we progress through content together.
Roster 1: Wednesday & Sunday | Time: 20:00 until 00:00 | Loot System: Soft-reserve with bad luck protection
Roster 2: Wednesday & Sunday | Time: 21:00 until 00:00 | Loot System: Soft-reserve with bad luck protection
Alts & Socials: Monday | Time: 20:00 until 00:00 | Loot System: 2xSR > MS > OS
Leadership team: Temptingfate (GM), Aragorne (Founder), Anfeels, Erohleaf, Freewind, Olilith
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