Abandon All Hope is a laid back semi-hardcore guild of players. Our goal is to clear content efficiently while always looking to improve performance and times. We are currently clearing H2 under 1.5hs but our plan is to clear H3. Our main h2/h3 raids Tuesdays at 6pm ST and have an optional wednesday raid for alts at 6pm ST.
Raid Times: Tuesday / Wednesday (optional) 6pm-9pm ST
Loot system: 2SR +1
Raid requirements: -Be on time -Come prepared (WBs, Consumed, understanding of mechanics and class)
Recruiting Currently: -Healers: (High) -Even if your class isn't listed, and are interested please reach out. Always looking for exceptional raiders!!
Contact on discord: Maestro5767, adra__
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레이드, 던전
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