XXIV is a semi-hardcore international end game raiding guild on WildGrowth-EU Horrde Raid Days: Thursday & Sunday | Time: 21:00 - 23:00 ST (Extra days added during progression, raid times may change significantly over time)
A progression-focused guild that tackles the hardest content available, While rotating pushing speed/parsing runs and nurturing a close-knit and respectful community. ensuring a competitive and high-performing environment for all our players. Our raid times and schedules evolve over time based on progression needs and optimization. We’re looking for dedicated players who can perform, adapt, and contribute to a strong team. We encourage having at least one additional character for flexibility, this is not mandatory. Our main goal is to maintain a strong and friendly community to clear the end-game content together in all the phases of Season of Discovery. Our members and leading roles consist of seasoned players who accumulated a lot of experience in different variations of classic but also other expansions of WoW. Progression & Achievements: Blackfathom Deeps - 7/7 First Reset | 22 min Gnomeregan - 6/6 First Reset | 30 min Sunken Temple - 8/8 First Reset | 29 min Molten Core Mythic - 11/11 Heat 3 Horde 1 | 46 min Blackwing Lair Mythic - 7/7 First Reset | 32 min Temple of Ahn’Qiraj Mythic- 9/9 Horde 1 | 49 min Naxxramas first Reset World/Realm/Horde 1 Heroic 2 / Naxxramas Mythic 15/15 Horde 1
What We Offer: ✔ Two raid teams for optimized progression and performance ✔ Consistently strong first-reset clears and top-tier speed rankings ✔ Focus on the hardest content available ✔ Organized and structured raid leadership ✔ A competitive but team-first mentality ✔ Extra raid days during key progression moments ✔ Speedruns and parsing runs for those looking to optimize and push rankings ✔ A supportive environment for improving and optimizing Loot Distribution Regarding the Loot Distribution we are currently running a Master Looter System with RCLootCouncil which assures loot gets divided evenly among the raiders or where needed the most during progression. Items are currently subject to Loot-Council due to their rarity and as a reward for “example” high attendance and performance raiders. We aim for a fair Loot Council system and want to facilitate the exchange between players, so everybody gets their items and also has fun attending the raids.
What We Expect: ✔ Strong raid performance & mechanics execution ✔ Good preparation (consumables, tactics, logs review) ✔ Reliable attendance & communication ✔ Willingness to adapt for the team’s success Recruitment We’re always looking for exceptional players in all roles—specific needs will be discussed case by case. If you want to be part of a top-performing guild that pushes the hardest content, optimizes for speed and parses, and continuously adapts to maximize performance, XXIV is the place for you! Contact us to apply! Discord Link : Discord XXIV Updated : 26/2/2025
This data is based on XXIV's recent reports.
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